Williams Form Engineering Corp. offers a range of soil anchors designed to meet various anchoring requirements across different soil conditions. Each anchor type is engineered to provide optimal performance for specific applications.

Platipus BAT Anchors

The ‘BAT’ anchor is designed to achieve higher loads than the Stealth Anchor product line and enhance anchoring in soft cohesive soils. Their ability to accept the pivoting T-knuckle allows flexibility with regard to anchor rod size. It can be used with #6, #7, or #8 Grade 75 All-Thread Rebar. Please note #8 bar requires the T-knuckle to be externally threaded and uses a coupler for the connection to the #8 bar.

Click more for information on BAT anchors

MANTA REY Soil Anchors

Manta Ray Soil Anchors are intended for use in soil conditions for moderately loaded anchoring requirements. These anchors utilize a tipping plate mechanism that depends on soil strength to resist tensile loads. Installation involves driving the anchor to a specified depth using special drive steel adaptable to percussion driving equipment, such as jackhammers or concrete breakers. After reaching the desired depth, the drive steel is removed, and the anchor is tipped into place and proof-tested using Williams’ Anchor Locking Kit. This “load locking” process provides immediate verification of each anchor’s holding capacity.

Click for more information on Ray anchors


The stealth anchor is designed to cover a wide range of lightweight anchoring solutions.  Its chisel point and streamline shape makes installation easy, in most cases, using simple hand or power tools  These anchors are also an idea choice when working in areas with restricted access.

Click for more information on stealth anchors

Advantages of Platipus Soil Anchors:

  • Fast and easy installation
  • Immediate proof test results
  • No need for grout
  • Cost-effective installation equipment
  • Environmentally friendly
  • No drilling required


  • Retaining walls
  • Slope stabilization
  • Bridges
  • Sheet piling
  • Gabion support
  • Buoyancy control
  • Guyed structures
  • Scaffolding
  • Foundations

Each of these anchor types offers unique advantages tailored to specific project needs. For detailed information and assistance in selecting the appropriate anchor for your project, please contact your local Williams technical representative.

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